Monday, November 12, 2012

Servicios Fúnebres del Papá del P. José Ugalde

Como les había notificado, el sábado 10 de noviembre murió el papá de nuestro hermano José Ugalde.
Los servicios fúnebres en Roger, Arkansas se celebrarán hoy, lunes 12 por la tarde y mañana por la mañana. El cuerpo de don Jesús será trasladado a México D.F. y luego a Tarandacuao, Guanajuato, México el miércoles 14.

El jueves 15 será velado en la casa paterna que se encuentra localizada en la calle 16 de Septiembre # 437.
La Misa de Cuerpo presente será el viernes 26 en la Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol a las 3:00 pm.

Unámonos para pedirle al Señor el descanso eterno de Don J. Jesús Ugalde y el consuelo cristiano para su esposa, la Sra. Micaela Ugalde y su familia.

Domenico Di Raimondo, MSpS

Para comunicarse con el P. José Ugalde:
Celular USA: 425-418-1439.
En México, el teléfono de la casa de sus papás es: 421-474-0283
Su correo electrónico es:

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fallecimiento del Papá del P. José Ugalde

Hoy por la mañana, hacia las 7:15 am tiempo de Arkansas, después de luchar un buen tiempo con el cáncer, falleció el papá de nuestro hermano José Ugalde, M.Sp.S. Le pedimos al Señor que lo tenga en su reino y que, después de todo ese sufrimiento que lo trasformó en Jesús crucificado, ahora lo glorifique con Él para que viva para siempre a su lado.

Don J. Jesús Ugalde Campos tenía 75 años y había venido a residir a los Estados Unidos desde hacía algunos años con su esposa, la Sra. Micaela Ugalde y su hija Silvia. Además, el P. José tiene varios hermanos/as: Raúl, Concepción, Juanita, Gabriel, Jesús y Sergio. Pidámosle al Señor que les regale paz, resignación y la gracia de poder agradecerle al Señor todos los beneficios con los que colmó a Don Jesús.
Por el momento José está de viaje a Arkansas. La familia ha decidido trasportar el cuerpo a México donde posteriormente celebrarán el funeral.

Por lo pronto, José tiene el siguiente celular: 425-418-1439.
En México, el teléfono de la casa de sus papás es: 01152-421-474-0283
Su correo electrónico es:

Oremos al Señor para que nos regale su paz.

Domenico, MSpS

Friday, November 9, 2012

Crónicas de los servicios Fúnebres del Hno. Robin

Los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo de la Provincia Cristo Sacerdote con gusto compartimos con ustedes una pequeña crónica de los servicios fúnebres de nuestro Hermano Robert (Robin) del Rosario Bernabe que acontecieron en Oregon y California.
Antes que nada, deseamos reconocer el gran apoyo y organización de muchas personas, ya que sin ellos, los servicios fúnebres no se hubieran llevado a cabo. De manera especial agradecemos el excelente liderazgo del P. Phillip Waibel, O.S.B., P. Joseph Betschart, P. Paul Thomas, O.S.B., Srta. Myrna Keough, P. Hugo Maese, M.Sp.S., y el P. Agustín Rodríguez, M.Sp.S. quienes estuvieron coordinando los servicios.    

El primer servicio se llevo a cabo en la Iglesia del Monasterio Benedictino el 7 de Noviembre a las 7:30 PM. Algunos de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo se reunieron a la entrada de la Iglesia alrededor de las 4:30PM para recibir el cuerpo del Hno. Robin. Después, en procesión, entramos cargando el féretro, el cual se puso al centro del transepto o bóveda de crucería para que las personas pudieran pasar a ver los restos de nuestro hermano. Hubo una invitación de parte de la comunidad del  Seminario de Monte Ángel a rezar las vísperas junto con ellos. Las vísperas fueron tomadas del oficio de difuntos en memoria del hermano Robin. Alrededor de las 6:30 PM, la gente empezó a llegar para la vigilia y a las 7:30 la Iglesia estaba ya completamente llena. El servicio de la vigilia dio comienzo con el himno: Hail Holy Queen el cual nos recordó de la presencia fiel de la Virgen María en la hora de nuestra muerte. La vigilia estuvo dividida en dos partes: La Liturgia de la Palabra y El Santo Rosario. El pasaje del evangelio, que fue proclamado por el P. Joel Quezada, M.Sp.S., era el de La Visitación. Después del evangelio escuchamos dos reflexiones sobre la vida del Hno. Robin. La primera reflexión fue dada por el Hno. Rito Guzmán y la segunda por el Diacono Brian Bergeron de la Diócesis de Helena. Los dos recalcaron las experiencias de cómo Robin toco el corazón de muchas personas con su alegría, su amor a Dios, su paciencia, su sencillez, su gran cariño por los demás, y su constante sonrisa. Después de las reflexiones, dimos comienzo al Santo Rosario. El Rosario tuvo un toque especial, ya que las diferentes comunidades del seminario se hicieron presentes. El rosario fue dirigido por el Diacono Bert Mello de la Diócesis de Fresno, tres Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, un Carmelita Descalzo, y un Monje Benedictino. Después del rosario, el P. José Ortega dio unas palabras de despedida diciendo que aún en los momentos de tristeza, la muerte del Hno. Robin trajo alegría a través de la unidad y apoyo que se estuvieron sintiendo en todo momento. La vigilia llego a su término con una oración  hecha por P. Joseph Betschart, Presidente-Rector del Seminario y con la bendición final del P. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Después de la vigilia nos dirigimos al comedor del Seminario para una recepción que fue organizada por los Monjes Benedictinos de la Abadía. El cuerpo de nuestro Hermano Robin fue llevado a la Casa de Estudios Félix Rougier a donde paso la última noche en la comunidad, la cual fue su casa religiosa por cinco años.

La misa de St. María fue el 8 de Noviembre a las 11:00 AM. La gente empezó a llegar a la iglesia muy temprano para ver el cuerpo del Hermano Robin. El celebrante principal fue el Arzobispo John G. Vlazny de Portland, Oregon y el P. Domenico Di Raimondo M.Sp.S. predicó la homilía. En asistencia estuvieron más de 40 sacerdotes concelebrando; estuvieron también presentes en la celebración seminaristas, la facultad, profesores y el personal del seminario. Fue hermoso ver, nuevamente, el amor y apoyo de mucha gente, las cuales llenaron la Iglesia. El Arzobispo comenzó bendiciendo los restos del Hno. Robin en la entrada de la Iglesia, y después se entono un bello himno dirigido por el Coro del Seminario de Monte Angel. El P. Domenico dirigió unas palabras profundas y conmovedoras en su homilía las cuales se basaron en las tres lecturas y que invitaron a todos a vivir con fe y esperanza el amor incondicional que Dios tiene para todos y sobre la certeza de la vida después de la muerte. La música de la celebración fue de lo mejor. El Coro del seminario, dirigido por la Señorita Myrna Keough, fue algo excepcional. También se tuvo la intervención especial del coro Filipino, quienes cantaron en tagalog, y de los hermanos Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, con un canto en español. Después de la comunión, el Arzobispo Vlazny hizo la última recomendación del hermano Robin a las manos del Padre. La Eucaristía finalizo con el himno titulado “For All the Saints”, mientras el cuerpo de Robin era llevado por sus hermanos de Congregación. Ya afuera de la Iglesia, el féretro fue puesto en la carroza funeraria mientras todos los sacerdotes cantaban el himno en latín “Salve Regina”. Al termino de este, el Arzobispo Vlazny con un cariñoso signo, de pastor amoroso que cuida de sus ovejas en las alegrías y tristezas, se acerco al féretro y lo beso. Después de la misa, nos esperaba ya una recepción en el salón parroquial proveído por el Párroco P. Philip Waibel, O.S.B. y su comunidad de Monte Ángel. 

El 10 de Noviembre a las 10:30 AM, se celebro otra misa en memoria del Hno. Robin. Esta misa fue celebrada en el sur de California para que toda la familia y amigos de Robin pudieran estar presentes y así poderle dar el último adiós. Esta misa se celebro, especialmente, para la mama de Robin, la Sra. Roberta (Rica), la cual vive en California, pues le fue imposible estar presente en los servicios de Oregon. Una vez más, la asistencia y  el cariño de mucha gente se hicieron notar, tanto para la familia de Robin, como para la Congregación. El celebrante principal fue el P. Domenico Di Raimondo, M.Sp.S. quien fue acompañado por otros Misioneros del Espíritu Santo en concelebración. Esta celebración tuvo un toque especial también, pues fue celebrada en los idiomas de Ingles, Tagalog y Español; los tres idiomas que el Hno. Robin habló y las tres culturas a las cuales Robin sirvió en vida como religioso Misionero del Espíritu Santo. Es también muy esencial el mencionar que, aparte de la familia biológica de Robin, estuvieron presentes muchas personas pertenecientes a la Familia de la Cruz quienes llegaron para expresar su apoyo y cariño. Después de la comunión hubo algunas personas las cuales dirigieron algunas palabras a la asamblea sobre la vida de Robin. Una de estas personas fue la mamá del Hno. Robin, quien compartió con los ahí presentes el dolor inmenso y la triste experiencia de perder a su esposo (hace ya 33 años) y a su hijo Robin en accidentes automovilísticos. Al mismo tiempo también compartió la experiencia de apoyo y cercanía que había experimentado hasta ese momento de parte de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo y de la inmensa cantidad de personas que conocieron al Hno. Robin. La Eucaristía fue organizada por el P. Agustín Rodríguez, MSpS y el P. Hugo Maese, MSpS. Momento seguido, hubo una recepción la cual fue organizada por los parroquianos de St. Marta y miembros de la Familia de la Cruz.

Queridos amigos, en medio de la tristeza que hemos experimentado, por la pérdida de nuestro muy querido Hermano Robin, existe también la alegría de sabernos firmes y confiados en el Señor y dador de la vida. De igual manera y con alegría, la experiencia de los muchos signos de apoyo y amor que han brotado del corazón de todos ustedes y que se han hecho muy palpables. Sin duda, este trágico evento nos ha revelado la figura de bondad con la que el Hno. Robin vivió y que estamos seguros de que lo continuará haciendo desde la presencia del Señor en el cielo. Agradecemos los muchos signos de apoyo y cariño que todos ustedes nos han brindado. Las muchas llamadas telefónicas, visitas personales, correos electrónicos, notas de facebook, tarjetas, palabras de consolación, y oraciones que se han convertido en una experiencia de la presencia real de Dios. De igual manera expresamos nuestro más profundo agradecimiento a la Funeraria dirigida por el Sr Aaron Duyck, con sede en Roy, OR por excelente trabajo en el cuidado del cuerpo del Hno. Robin desde el día del accidente hasta la última misa en California. Muchas gracias y estén seguros de nuestras oraciones para con ustedes.

¡Que el alma de Robin descance en paz!
“Sumalangiit nawa ang kanyang kaluluwa”

Lucio Galicia MSpS y Manuel Rosiles, MSpS

Chronicle of Br. Robin's Funeral Services

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit of the Christ the Priest gladly share with you all a short chronicle of the religious services of our beloved brother Robert (Robin) Bernabe that took place in Oregon and in California.
First and foremost we want to underline that all the religious services could not have taken place without the help, support and organization of many people.  In a special way we want to point out the outstanding leadership of Fr. Philip Waibel, O.S.B.; Fr. Joseph Betschart, Fr. Paul Thomas, O.S.B, Mrs. Myrna Keough, Fr. Hugo Maese, M.Sp.S., and Fr. Agustin Rodriguez, M.Sp.S. who were coordinating the services. 

The first service was the Vigil which took place on November 7th at 7:30 PM at Mount Angel Seminary in the church of the monastery of the Benedictine Monks.  Some of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit gathered at the entrance of the Church at 4:30PM to receive the mortal remains of our Brother Robin.  We processed with him and laid him at the center of the Church for the viewing.  We were invited by Mount Angel Seminary Community to pray vespers with them.  Vespers were specially taken from the office of the dead in memory of Robin.  Around 6:30 PM people began to arrive to the church for the Vigil.  At 7:30 the church was completely full, and the religious service began with the hymn: Hail Holy Queen which reminded all present there about the faithful presence of the Virgin Mary at the hour of our death.  The Vigil service had two parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Holy Rosary. The passage of the Gospel that was proclaimed was about the Visitation.  It was proclaimed by Father Joel Quezada, M.Sp.S. After the Gospel was proclaimed we heard two reflections about the life of Br. Robin.  One reflection was done by Br. Rito Guzman and the other was done by Deacon Brian Bergeron from the Diocese of Helena. Both highlighted how Robin touched the life of many people with his joy, his love to God, his patience, his simplicity of life, his caring for others and his ever-present smile. After these two reflections, we began with the Holy Rosary.  The rosary had a special touch of the diversity of the seminary community.  It was led by Deacon Bert Mello from the diocese of Fresno, three missionaries of the Holy Spirit, one Friar of the Discalced Carmelites, and one Benedictine Monk.  After the Rosary, Fr. Jose Ortega made some final remarks in which he mentioned that, in the midst of sadness, the death of Br. Robin brought also joy because of the unity and support that was shown in many instances.  The Vigil concluded with a final prayer made by Fr. Joseph Betschart, President-Rector of the Seminary, and with the final blessing done by Fr. Jose Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S.  After the vigil was over, everyone was invited to a small reception in the Seminary Cafeteria. We would like to mention that this service and the reception were organized and provided by the Benedictine Monks and Mount Angel Seminary.
The body of our Brother Robin was brought to the House of Studies of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in Mount Angel where he spent the last night in what was his religious community up until he passed away.

The Mass took place on November 8th at 11:00AM.  People began to arrive to the church before Mass for a short viewing of Br. Robin.  The principal celebrant was Archbishop John G. Vlazny of Portland Oregon.  The Homilist was Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo, M.Sp.S.  There were about forty other diocesan and religious priests concelebrating the Mass.  The Seminary cancelled some classes in order to allow the seminarians, the faculty and the staff to attend the Mass.  It was wonderful to see, once again, the love and support of many people which was shown in a full church.   Archbishop Vlazny blessed the mortal remains of Br. Robin at the entrance of the church, and then the Eucharistic celebration began with a wonderful hymn played and sung by the Mount Angel Seminary Choir.  Fr. Domenico, di Raimondo, M.Sp.S. gave an insightful homily in which he explained that the readings chosen for this occasion were meant to convey hope and faith in the unconditional love of God and in the assurance of life after death. The music of the celebration could not be better.  The seminary choir, directed by Mrs. Myrna Keough, was exceptional as always, and we also had two special interventions: one of the Filipino seminarians who sang a wonderful song in Tagalog, and then the brothers Missionaries of the Holy Spirit sang a song in Spanish. After communion, Archbishop Vlazny did the prayer of commendation for our Brother Robin.  The Eucharist concluded with the hymn entitled For All the Saints while the body of Br. Robin was being carried by his brothers Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.  Once outside of the church, while the mortal remains of Robin were being placed in the Funeral Home’s vehicle, all the priests sang the Latin hymn “Salve Regina”.  Archbishop Vlazny approached the coffin and gave it a kiss.  This was a wonderful sign of a loving pastor who takes care of each sheep of his flock in joys and in sorrows.  After the Eucharistic celebration, we had a reception in the parish hall provided by the parish.  This religious service was organized and provided by Fr. Philip Waibel, O.S.B., pastor of St. Mary, many of the parishioners, and Mount Angel Seminary. 

On November 10th at 10:30AM there was another Mass in memory of Br. Robin.  This Mass was celebrated in Southern California in order to give an opportunity for a farewell to all the people who knew Robin in this area.  A special mention should be made to the fact that Br. Robin’s mother—Mrs. Roberta (Rica)—lives in California, and so this was the opportunity for her and many of his relatives to come and say a farewell to Robin.  Once again, many people showed up to express their pain for the loss of Robin, and their support to Robin’s family and to the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.  The principal celebrant for this Eucharist was Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo, M.Sp.S., and there were several other priests Missionaries of the Holy Spirit concelebrants.  This celebration had a wonderful feature; it was celebrated in English, Tagalog and Spanish, which were the three languages that Br. Robin spoke and the three cultures in which Br. Robin ministered to the people of God in his life as Missionary of the Holy Spirit.  It is also important to mention that besides the biological family and friends of Br. Robin there were also many persons who belong to the Family of the Cross and came to express their support.  After communion there were some people who made some remarks of remembrance about the life of Robin.  Among these persons was Br. Robin’s mother who shared with everyone the sad experience of losing her own husband and now her son both in fatal car accidents.  But at the same time she also shared how she feels the support and the closeness of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and of the many people who got to know Br. Robin.  The Eucharist was organized by Fathers Agustin Rodriguez, MSpS and Hugo Maese, M.Sp.S. After the Eucharist finished there was a reception which was provided by the St. Martha’s parishioners and the family of the Cross.

Dear friends, in the midst of the sadness we have experienced by the loss of our beloved brother Robin we also experience the joy for our trust in the Lord and for all the signs of care and support from you all. Undoubtedly, this tragic event has showed us the many ways in which Br. Robin did good things while he was alive, and how he continues to touch the lives of many people now that he is with the Lord.  We appreciate and are very thankful for all the signs of support and care that you showed us.  There were many phone calls, personal visits, emails, facebook posts, cards, words of consolation, and prayers that have made of this experience an experience of the loving presence of God.  We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Aaron Duyck, director of Duyck and Van De Hey Funeral Home, who took care of Br. Robin’s body since the moment of the accident until the day of the Eucharist in California.  Thank you very much, and please be assured of our prayers and gratitude.

May Robin’s soul rest in peace!
“Sumalangiit nawa ang kanyang kaluluwa”

Lucio Galicia MSpS and Manuel Rosiles MSpS

Funeral Mass Homily and Other Remarks

The funeral mass for Br. Robin del Rosario Bernabe MSpS was celebrated on Thursday, Nov. 8 at St. Mary Church in Mt. Angel, OR at 11:00am.  The Eucharist was presided by Archbishop John Vlazny and concelebrated by many priests including: Abbot Gregory Duerr, OSB, Abbot of Mt. Angel Abbey; Fr. Joseph Betschart, President-Rector of Mt. Angel Seminary; Fr. Philip Waibel, OSB, Pastor of St. Mary Church; and the members of the Provincial Council of our Province.  The homilist was Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo, MSpS, Provincial Superior of Christ the Priest Province. His homily and the closing remarks of Fr. Juan Jose Gonzalez, MSpS are included below.

Dear sisters and brothers,
Like in the day of Pentecost, we are united under the loving gaze of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in this church dedicated to her. We come together, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to ask for the presence of the Holy Spirit to help us understand the mystery of our human life and, in particular, the life and passing of Br. Robin Benjamín del Rosario Bernabé.
Let me invite you to discover that in this church the people of God, the Holy Church is present in us: lay women and men, the religious women and men, the ordained ministers and our beloved Archbishop John G. Vlazny.
The Word of God proclaimed in our midst offers us light, insight and consolation.
The first reading, taken from Isaiah, clearly says: God will destroy death forever!  It doesn’t say that dying will be vanquished from the earth, but that God will destroy death forever.
It is beautiful to see that the promise is made to all the nations, to all peoples, to the whole world. What a wonderful way to speak of God’s inclusive heart: life for all!
At the end of life, even if we have to pass through the bitter trial of dying, even if it is unexpected and tragic, there is a banquet, a celebration, an encounter that brings joy and gladness.  This is true for Br. Robin! Yesterday, I was helping to vest him with the habit of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and, in my heart, I was telling Robin: “This is true for you-- God gives life eternal, and now you know it!
The second reading, in my opinion, is one of the most enthusiastic passages of Paul’s letters. God so loved the women and men of all races, tongues, peoples and nations that He gave his only son. Jesus died on the cross for us, but he is alive and forever intercedes for us so that nothing may be able to separate us from him. Think of our brother Robin along his life and at the time of his tragic accident. Think of the many women and men who pass away every day. Anguish, distress, or death cannot separate them from Jesus’ love.
According to the Word of God, neither the present, nor the powers or heights or depths can shadow the encounter: God is our God and we belong to him!
This summer, Br. Robin devoted over two months to a spiritual experience called “Second Novitiate”. It is a time in which you review your whole life story in the perspective of the eyes of God, and you ask yourself what is God’s plan for you from eternity. At the end of that time, Robin came to the conclusion that his call was to be a Missionary of the Holy Spirit for the rest of his life. On November 2nd at around 2:30 pm, God met Robin and sealed his desire: the first Missionary of the Holy Spirit from the Philippines entered paradise. Indeed, nothing can separate us from Jesus Christ!
Finally let us see the Gospel. It speaks about the tender and caring love of our heavenly Father and of his providence. He knows what we need and he is there to provide for us.
Is this a mirage?  Is this true in the present situation? Let me share with you the way God showed his fatherly/motherly love for us in this difficult situation:
Ø  Fr. Philip, you became for us a clear sign of God when you came to the house to deliver the terrible news to our students, and when you went to the scene of the accident to pray for Robin and be with him.
Ø  A Good Samaritan came by and covered Robin with a quilt.
Ø  Fr. Joseph called right after I had received the news… Fr. Joseph, you were a consoling brother.
Ø  Aaron Duyck, our funeral director, came to our house to guide me and help me when I was really lost, right after I finished the former conversation.
Ø  Many of you, women and men who came to the House of Studies, Seminarians, Faculty and Staff, women religious and members of the Abbey.
You were for us the loving presence of our Heavenly Father!
Ø  The fact that Fr. Juan, Fr. Gerardo, Fr. Peter and Fr. Joel were in LA, made it possible for the Congregation to be also with Robin’s Mom and family.
Ø  The awesome Benedictine hospitality in every corner and in every member of the Abbey, especially in the person of Abbot Gregory,  and of the Seminary community
Ø  Archbishop Vlazny, your call and your paternal love brought you here to be a cornerstone of unity in this gathering. Thank you for being here with us today!
To my eyes, all of these events are like sacraments of God’s love. Moreover, the people I just referred to and many others, are the loving and providential presence of God the Father! In you and through you, God came to us in history, providing for us care, love, and consolation.
I would like to close by saying a word to the member of our young and small Province, Robin’s passing can be seen as a loss. I will dare to say that it is first and foremost a win. Through these events,
Ø  We have come to know Robin in a new light.
Ø  We have his example of daily and final commitment to imitate.
Ø  We have an intercessor in heaven.
Ø  We have the first Missionary of the Holy Spirit from Asia together with Conchita and Fr. Felix.
I could go on and on… All I want to say is that the Word we have proclaimed today is fulfilled in our midst.
Let me invite you to close by reciting the second part of the Hail Mary thinking of her presence at Robin’s side and asking her to be with us at the moment of our death.

Domenico Di Raimondo, MSpS
Provincial Superior

There is really nothing adequate that can be said at the hundred of signs of love, prayer, and support we have received since last Friday.

On behalf of the Del Rosario and Bernabe families, and of my brothers in the Province I want to thank you all for making the love and providence of our caring God so visible, so real, so concrete to us. Every card, every letter, phone call, email, and Facebook post, have reminded us that we are not alone, and that our God is a loving God. 

Archbishop Vlazny, thank you for being our good shepherd for the “Misioneros” in the times of joy and also in the times of sorrow.  You have been most kind to us and we appreciate more than words can express you presiding this Eucharist.

To Abbot Gregory, and the monastic community, Fr. Joseph Betschart and the community of Mt. Angel Seminary –seminarians, faculty and staff- thank you for being part of our lives, for your support, your prayer, and your help organizing the funeral services of Br. Robin.

To Fr. Phillip Waibel, and the parish community of St. Mary who for more than 13 years have welcomed so many of us, thank you for your pastoral care. 

To our brother priests who made the time to concelebrate in this Eucharist. Your friendship, support and partnership in ministry are so important to us. Thank you for being here.

To the Benedictine Sisters, the Carmelite, and to the religious communities of men and women who have been so close to us, to the hundreds of lay man and woman you have reached out to us… we receive your kindness and appreciate it more than what words can describe.

We are certain that there is a resurrection… for many reasons, and among them because, in the midst of this most painful event, we experience that deep presence of Christ trough the love of all of you here. 

After the services conclude here in Oregon, the body of Br. Robin will be transported to Southern California where a funeral Mass will be celebrated this coming Saturday at St. Martha Parish in Huntington Park.

Thank you for joining us this morning and we invite you to join us for a reception in the parish hall.

Lets continue to live out our baptismal calling wherever God needs us. Disciples of the Risen Lord building his Kingdom on earth, and lets continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Fr. Juan Jose Gonzalez, MSpS
Provincial Secretary

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Vigil Eulogy

A vigil was held for Br. Robin del Rosario Bernabe on Wednesday, November 7 at the Mt. Angel Abbey Church.  Below is the eulogy that was written and shared by Br. Rito Guzman, MSpS.

This past summer I had the opportunity to visit my family in California and as soon as my four-year-old nephew Diego saw me, he jumped out of his seat, ran to me and hugged me. “Uncle,” he said, “how many days are you going to stay with us?” “Two days,” I answered and I thought that was the end of the conversation, but I was wrong.  Diego looked at me and in a soft and gentle voice he said, “Can you stay with me for one hundred years?” 
As I meditate upon this event, I realize something fundamental in love. Love always longs to endure forever. Love longs to endure forever because it has its origin in the Eternal God. Robin understood this very well. After he had an encounter with the living God, Robin’s desire to love and please God grew each day. In these past few days, many people have shared with us how Robin touched their lives. We are already witnessing the fruits of his life; a life geared towards doing the will of God no matter how difficult it would be; a life guided by a strong faith which made him a compassionate disciple of Christ, a meek and humble servant, a generous brother. 
In particular, I have been moved by his example of poverty and compassion with the poor. While he was in California, Robin often visited the homeless and called them friends. Our brother novices have shared how Robin used to talk about his experience every time he would visit the shelter. The stories of each individual touched Robin in a profound way—he loved the poor as much as our Savior loved them. We will remember Robin for his poverty and simplicity of life. 
Robin had many dreams in life. In one of his reflections he writes, “I was reared by my grandfather. From a very young age, we shared a dream together. We dreamt of going to the Holy Land. This was a promise he made, and his death in 1997 somehow dimmed that dream.” The second dream Robin had was to return to the Philippines and open a community of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit there. I shared this dream with him and I hope one day we, the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, may fulfill Robin’s dream. 
Brothers and sisters, our relationship with Robin has now changed. We wont see him anymore; we wont laugh and joke around like we used to, but this is not the end. Robin will be present in our minds and hearts until we die. Robin understood death not as the end, but as the door to a better world, to a richer and fuller reality of the love of God. When my grandmother passed away two years ago, Robin wrote to me and said, “Rito, again our condolences to you and your family, and I pray that we see in the passing away of our loved ones how death gathers the entire life and witness together, rather than just ends it, in preparation for, as C.S. Lewis says, Chapter One of the Eternal story where every chapter is better than the one before.”
My greatest consolation at this time is that Robin fell in love with God, took up his cross and followed him not knowing where God would lead him. Eight years ago, he picked up his phone and called our Novitiate House. I answered the phone and he told me, “I am interested in a vocational retreat with you guys.” I asked him, “why us?” And he said, “The name of your Religious Institution says it all, YOU ARE MISSIONARIES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.”
Robin had a special devotion to the Holy Spirit and it was this spirit who sanctified my brother as his missionary.  It is time to reap the good fruits Robin has won for his family and friends, for his brother Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, and for the entire Church. 

Bro. Rito Guzman MSpS

Palabras de la Vigilia

El miércoles, 7 de noviembre hubo una vigilia y rosario para nuestro hermano Robin del Rosario Bernabé, MSpS.  La vigilia tuvo lugar en la Iglesia de la Abadía de Mt. Angel a las 7:30 pm.  El P. José Ortega MSpS, vicario de la Provincia Cristo Sacerdote, dijo unas palabras para concluir la vigilia.  Aquí se encuentran sus comentarios:

En nombre de la familia del H. Robin Bernabé y de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo, quisiera  dar las gracias a todos aquellos que en estos días nos han apoyado  en este momento tan difícil de la muerte del H. Robin. Han sido tantos que es difícil nombrarlos: El rector del seminario, el Abad, los seminaristas , los benedictinos , los religiosos , las religiosas, los laicos y las laicas etc.
En estas circunstancias es un texto de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios el que me ha dado claridad sobre lo que esta sucediendo

“Los exhorto a que se muestren dignos de la vocación que han recibido… permanezcan unidos  en el mismo espíritu… un solo cuerpo y un mismo espíritu, ..una misma esperanza. Un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo  bautismo, un solo Dios y  y Padre de todos, que esta por encima de todos  que actúa por todos y está en todos.”

Permanezcan unidos en una sola esperanza:
Es difícil superar lo que vemos a primera vista aquí: un trágico accidente, la destrucción de unos sueños, una separación lastimosa… Sin embargo cuanto ayudan los que nos rodean para descubrir la común esperanza, para poder vislumbrar la vida detrás de la muerte. Muchas gracias por apoyar nuestra esperanza.

Permanezcan unidos en la fe
Este es uno de los momentos en los que entendemos el significado de la expresión: “Nosotros creemos.” Nuestra fe ha sido alimentada por la palabras que hemos recibidos, por esta oración que hemos recitado juntos etc…  Muchas gracias por apoyar nuestra fe

Permanezcan unidos en un Dios y Padre de todos
Aquí sentimos que hay un Dios que nos abraza en la unidad.
¡Que maravilloso es ese Dios que crea siempre nuevos caminos  para que nos comuniquemos mutuamente! Dios quiso que yo estuviera junto a la madre del P. Philip Waibel  cuando ella murió …y Dios quiso también que El  estuviera junto a nuestro hermano Robin cuando murió.. Dios ha reforzado la unión entre nosotros.

Robin, muchas gracias también a ti,
pues tu tienes algo que nos ha unido en la esperanza , en la fe, bajo una  Padre y un Espíritu.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Letter from Fr. Fernando Torre, MSpS -- Superior General

Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo, Provincial Superior
and all the MSpS from Christ the Priest Province
Dear Brothers and Sisters:

May Jesus Christ, the Risen One, fill you with strength, peace and hope.

With deep sorrow I received two days ago the news of the death ago of our dear brother Robin del Rosario Bernabé, MSPS in Oregon. My dear Brothers, I want you to know that I am close to you, to Robin’s mother and his family. I am with you and share your sorrow, pain, and distress.

I was in Guadalajara on November 2nd together with the team of formation directors of the Felix de Jesus Province. With them and with the members of their Provincial Council, we lifted up to God  a prayer of praise and thanksgiving during the Eucharist on Saturday 3rd, following the indications of our Constitutions (CD 143.4). We gave thanks for the work of the transformation in Christ that the Holy Spirit had done in Robin and for all that the Holy Spirit did through Robin for the Congregation and the Church.

Father Armando Moreno, MSpS, who was Robin’s formation director during the second novitiate this year, shared with us some of the human and spiritual qualities of Robin and his decision to follow forever Jesus Christ as a Missionary of the Holy Spirit.

The General Council and many of our Congregation have been deeply touched by the tragic passing of Robin. Despite this, we also experience the comfort of knowing that another of our brothers in the Congregation has persevered until death, and is now part of the community in our Father's Home, with Our Mother Conchita, our Father Felix and many other Missionaries of the Holy Spirit who have already completed their mission in this world.

I implore our Triune God that this painful event will become for you, especially for those who are in formation, a call to conversion and to give a new impulse for a more determined, dedicated and creative work for vocations. And I ask Robin, who is the first Filipino and Asian in our Congregation persevering until death, to intercede for us from heaven and to open roads - when God wills – so that soon the Spirituality of the Cross and our Congregation will spread among the peoples of his continent.

We recall our Constitutions that speak about our deceased brothers: 'We will remember them with affection, we'll keep alive their good examples, and we will remain grateful for all they did for the good of the Institute "(CD 145). This is what we shall do.

I ask you Fr. Domenico to please give my deepest sympathy, condolences and prayers to Robin’s mom and his extended family.

May Mary, our good Mother, who was at the foot of the cross during the agony and death of her son, be also with you, as you carry this painful and heavy cross for your Province and our Congregation.

A big hug to everyone and you are in my prayers. Your brother in Christ

Fernando Torre, msps.
Superior General
November 4, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Carta del P. Fernando Torre, MSpS -- Superior General

P. Domenico Di Raimondo, Superior Provincial,
y demás MSpS de la Provincia Cristo Sacerdote
Queridos hermanos:
Que Jesucristo, el Resucitado, los llene de fortaleza, paz y esperanza.
Con profundo dolor recibí la noticia de la muerte de nuestro querido hermano Robín Bernabé del Rosario, msps, acaecida hace dos días, en Oregon. Hermanos, siéntanme cercano a ustedes en estos momentos, lo mismo que a la mamá y demás familiares de Robin. Me solidarizo con ustedes, comparto su tristeza, su dolor, su desconcierto.
El día 2 me encontraba en Guadalajara, con los formadores de la Provincia Félix de Jesús. Con ellos y con los miembros del Consejo Provincial, en la eucaristía del sábado 3, elevamos a Dios «una oración de alabanza y acción de gracias» (CD 143.4), por la obra de transformación en Jesucristo que el Espíritu Santo había realizado en Robin y por todo lo que, a través de Robin, el mismo Espíritu hizo en favor de la Congregación y de la Iglesia.
El P. Armando Moreno, msps, que fue formador de Robin en el Segundo Noviciado, nos compartió algo del perfil humano y espiritual de Robin, así como la decisión que éste había tomado de seguir a Jesucristo como Misionero del Espíritu Santo para siempre.
Los integrantes del Consejo General y los demás los miembros de la Congregación nos hemos sentido impresionados por la manera trágica e intempestiva de la pascua de Robin. A pesar de esto, también experimentamos el consuelo de saber que un hermano nuestro perseveró en la Congregación hasta la muerte, y que ahora forma parte de la comunidad de la Casa del Padre, en la que se encuentran Nuestra Madre Conchita, Nuestro Padre Félix y los demás Misioneros del Espíritu Santo que ya culminaron su misión en esta tierra.
Pido a nuestro Dios-Trinidad que este doloroso acontecimiento sea para ustedes, en especial para los formandos, una llamada a la conversión y que les dé un nuevo impulso para una pastoral vocacional más decidida y creativa. Y le pido a Robin, primer filipino y asiático que persevera hasta la muerte, que desde el cielo abra caminos para que –pronto, o cuando Dios quiera–la Espiritualidad de la Cruz y la Congregación se extiendan entre los pueblos de ese continente.
Les recuerdo lo que nuestras Constituciones nos dicen al hablar de nuestros hermanos difuntos: «Los recordaremos con afecto, conservaremos vivos sus buenos ejemplos y les permaneceremos agradecidos por todo lo que hicieron en bien del Instituto» (CD 145). Así lo haremos.
Dome, te pido que hagas llegar mis condolencias y mi oración a la mamá de Robin y a sus demás familiares.
Que María, nuestra buena madre, que en la agonía y muerte de su Hijo estuvo con él, al pie de la cruz, esté también con ustedes, al pie de esta dolorosa y pesada cruz provincial y congregacional.
Un fuerte abrazo a cada uno y mi oración. Su hermano y servidor:
Fernando Torre, msps.
Superior General
4 de noviembre de 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Servicios Fúnebres para el H. Robert Benjamín (Robin) Del Rosario Bernabé, MSpS

servicios en oregon
Vigilia de oración.
La Vigilia es el primer momento en el que la familia, las amistades y los miembros de la comunidad se reúnen para recordar a la persona que falleció, para orar juntos y para apoyarse unos a otros. 
  • Día y hora: La vigilia será celebrada en la Abadía y Seminario de Mount Angel (1 Abbey Drive, Saint Benedict, OR 9737, 503-845-3030) el miércoles 7 de noviembre a las 7:30 pm. Al terminar la vigilia, habrá una recepción en el mismo Seminario de Mount Angel.

En la celebración de la Eucaristía, la Iglesia expresa su comunión eficaz con los que han muerto. La celebración de la Eucaristía en el funeral, es una oportunidad para la comunidad de los fieles, y para la familia, para “Aprender a vivir en comunión con quien se durmió en el Señor, comulgando con el Cuerpo de Cristo, de quien es miembro vivo y orando luego por él y con él” (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica # 1689). 
  • Día y hora: La Eucaristía se celebrará en la Iglesia católica Santa María (575 East College Street, Mount Angel, OR 97362. Tel. 503-845-2296) el jueves 8 de noviembre a las 11:00 am. Después de la Eucaristía  habrá recepción en el salón parroquial.
  • Contacto: Casa de Estudios de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo (Tel. 503-845-1181) y la Parroquia de Santa María.

servicios en california
  • Día y hora: La Eucaristía se celebrará en la Parroquia de Santa Martha (6023 Stafford Avenue, Huntington Park, CA 90255. Tel. 323-5585-03856), el sábado 10 de Noviembre a las 10:30 am. Habrá una recepción después de la Eucaristía en la parroquia.

Los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo sugieren que las donaciones que desee presentar en nombre del H. Robin vayan al Fondo de Formación de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Favor de enviarlas a P.O. Box 130, Banks, Oregon 97106.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

CALIFORNIA Funeral Arrangements for Br. Robert Benjamin (Robin) Del Rosario Bernabe, MSpS


In the celebration of the Eucharist, the Church most perfectly expresses her communion with those who have died. The celebration of the Eucharist at the funeral is an opportunity for the community of the faithful, and for the family, to “learn to live in communion with the one who has ‘fallen asleep in the Lord,’ by communicating the Body of Christ of which he is a living member and, then, by praying for him and with him” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1689)
  • Day and Time: The Eucharist will be celebrated at St. Martha Catholic Church (6023 Stafford Avenue, Huntington Park, CA 90255. 323-585-0386) on Saturday November 10th at 10:30 am. A reception will follow the Eucharist in the Parish Hall.

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit suggest donations in Robin’s name to the Formation Fund of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. P.O. Box 130 Banks, Oregon 97106.

OREGON Funeral Arrangements for Br. Robert Benjamin (Robin) Del Rosario Bernabe, MSpS


The vigil is the first time family, friends and members of the community gather in remembrance of the deceased, for prayer and support.
  • Day and Time: The vigil will be celebrated at Mt. Angel Abbey and Seminary (1 Abbey Drive, Saint Benedict, OR 9737, 503-845-3030) on Wednesday November 7th at 7:30 pm. Reception following the Vigil at Mt. Angel Seminary.
  • Contacts: the House of Studies of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (503-845-1181) and Mt. Angel Seminary. 

In the celebration of the Eucharist, the Church most perfectly expresses her communion with those who have died. The celebration of the Eucharist at the funeral is an opportunity for the community of the faithful, and for the family, to “learn to live in communion with the one who has ‘fallen asleep in the Lord,’ by communicating the Body of Christ of which he is a living member and, then, by praying for him and with him” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1689)
  • Day and Time: The Eucharist will be celebrated at St. Mary Catholic Church (575 East College Street, Mount Angel, OR 97362. 503-845-2296) on Thursday November 8th at 11 am. A reception will follow the Eucharist in the Parish Hall.
  • Contacts: the House of Studies of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (503-845-1181) and St. Mary Parish.

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit suggest donations in Robin’s name to the Formation Fund of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. P.O. Box 130 Banks, Oregon 97106.

Rest in Peace Br. Robin

It is with profound sadness and even deeper hope in our Risen Lord, that we inform you that Br. Robert Benjamin (Robin) del Rosario Bernabe, MSpS, died November 2nd, the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, in Mt. Angel Oregon, as the result of a tragic car accident.

Br. Robin was born in March of 1977 in Makati City, Philippines, the oldest son of Antonio and Roberta Bernabe. He joined the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit in 2005, made his Novitiate in Long Beach, CA and professed his first vows in August 2007. After completing his philosophical studies and his first 2 years of theology at Mt. Angel Seminary, Br. Robin worked last year in vocations ministry and at St. Martha Parish, in Huntington Park, CA doing youth ministry. He had just recently completed his preparation for his final vows and was starting his third year of theology.

Br. Robin is survived by his mother Roberta “Rica” Bernabe, and his brother Juan Miguel Antonio, and many other family members, as well as his brothers Missionaries of the Holy Spirit.

As we pray today and during this month of November for all those who have died, trusting in our Lord’s promise that He is the resurrection and the life and that all who believe in Him will share His eternal life, we ask you all to please remember Br. Robin, his family and the Missionaries in your prayers in a special way as we commend him into the hands of our loving and merciful God.

Br. Robin was a quiet, gentle man with a good sense of humor and a joy-filled smile. To say that he will be missed is a tremendous understatement. This is a hard loss for all of us, but may our faith in Christ give us consolation and strength.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Es con profunda tristeza, pero con esperanza aún mayor en la resurrección, que les informamos que el Hermano Robert Benjamin (Robin) del Rosario Bernabe, MSpS, murió el 2 de noviembre, Conmemoración de todos los Fieles Difuntos, en Monte Ángel, Oregon, como resultado de un trágico accidente automovilístico.

El Hno. Robin nació en marzo de 1977 en la ciudad de Makati, Filipinas, el hijo mayor de Antonio y Roberta Bernabé . Ingreso con los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo en 2005, hizo su noviciado en Long Beach, CA y profesó sus primeros votos en agosto de 2007.
Después de completar sus estudios filosóficos y sus 2 primeros años de teología en el Seminario de Monte Ángel, El Hno. Robin trabajó durante un año en la pastoral vocacional y en la pastoral juvenil de la Parroquia de Santa Marta, en Huntington Park, CA.  El Hno. Robin acababa de completar su preparación para los votos perpetuos y estaba iniciando su tercer año de teología.

Le sobreviven su madre Roberta "Rica" Bernabé, su hermano Juan Miguel Antonio y muchos otros familiares, así como sus hermanos Misioneros del Espíritu Santo.

Al orar hoy y durante este mes de noviembre, por los que han muerto, confiando en la promesa del Señor de que Él es la resurrección y la vida y que todos los que creen en Él compartirá su vida eterna, les pedimos que por favor tengan presente al Hno. Robin, a su familia y a los Misioneros en su oración.

El Hno. Robin era un hombre tranquilo y apacible, un buen sentido del humor, y una sonrisa llena de gozo. Decir que le vamos a extrañar no expresa adecuadamente lo mucho que lo echaremos de menos. Esta es una pérdida difícil para todos nosotros, pero nuestra fe en Cristo nos da consuelo y fuerza.

Los detalles de sus servicios funerales están pendientes.

Dale, Señor, el descanso eterno y brille para él la luz perpetua. Descanse en paz. Amén.