Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Letter from Fr. Fernando Torre, MSpS -- Superior General

Fr. Domenico Di Raimondo, Provincial Superior
and all the MSpS from Christ the Priest Province
Dear Brothers and Sisters:

May Jesus Christ, the Risen One, fill you with strength, peace and hope.

With deep sorrow I received two days ago the news of the death ago of our dear brother Robin del Rosario Bernabé, MSPS in Oregon. My dear Brothers, I want you to know that I am close to you, to Robin’s mother and his family. I am with you and share your sorrow, pain, and distress.

I was in Guadalajara on November 2nd together with the team of formation directors of the Felix de Jesus Province. With them and with the members of their Provincial Council, we lifted up to God  a prayer of praise and thanksgiving during the Eucharist on Saturday 3rd, following the indications of our Constitutions (CD 143.4). We gave thanks for the work of the transformation in Christ that the Holy Spirit had done in Robin and for all that the Holy Spirit did through Robin for the Congregation and the Church.

Father Armando Moreno, MSpS, who was Robin’s formation director during the second novitiate this year, shared with us some of the human and spiritual qualities of Robin and his decision to follow forever Jesus Christ as a Missionary of the Holy Spirit.

The General Council and many of our Congregation have been deeply touched by the tragic passing of Robin. Despite this, we also experience the comfort of knowing that another of our brothers in the Congregation has persevered until death, and is now part of the community in our Father's Home, with Our Mother Conchita, our Father Felix and many other Missionaries of the Holy Spirit who have already completed their mission in this world.

I implore our Triune God that this painful event will become for you, especially for those who are in formation, a call to conversion and to give a new impulse for a more determined, dedicated and creative work for vocations. And I ask Robin, who is the first Filipino and Asian in our Congregation persevering until death, to intercede for us from heaven and to open roads - when God wills – so that soon the Spirituality of the Cross and our Congregation will spread among the peoples of his continent.

We recall our Constitutions that speak about our deceased brothers: 'We will remember them with affection, we'll keep alive their good examples, and we will remain grateful for all they did for the good of the Institute "(CD 145). This is what we shall do.

I ask you Fr. Domenico to please give my deepest sympathy, condolences and prayers to Robin’s mom and his extended family.

May Mary, our good Mother, who was at the foot of the cross during the agony and death of her son, be also with you, as you carry this painful and heavy cross for your Province and our Congregation.

A big hug to everyone and you are in my prayers. Your brother in Christ

Fernando Torre, msps.
Superior General
November 4, 2012