Tuesday, April 5

- a well-disposed heart,
- adequate discernment of the best practices for the REM (Restructuring the Exercise of our Mission),
- delve into, explore and embody the guidelines received from the General Chapter, taking care to preserve the provincial identity and the fruitfulness of the Congregation.

dynamic lines came into light to be analyzed:
- give new life to our experience of God,
- mature in our human condition,
- rebuild the practice of our mission,
- practice discernment.

After a
short break we delved into the second meditation: Our consecrated life cannot
be conceived outside of the most Holy Trinity, it must be a reflection of the
afternoon took us to reflect on: “giving new life to our own experience of God.” Sister
Mercedes reflection was through the Trinitarian lens. For this the “kaleidoscope” exercise
led us to the conclusion that sometimes our reality looks fragmented and so we
need to take a second look: searching for the divine presence in that reality
so we can see its beauty more clearly and work towards unifying it. For this reason,
we need to strive to achieve “human maturity”, which is a necessary requirement to live a better life. We need
to live it with a spirit of communion (cf. LG#4 and VC #21) so that the
consecrated life may be a manifestation of the Trinity.
Eucharist was presided by the current Provincial Council. During their homily
they shared some of the difficulties and joys they have lived these last six
years, all tinted with a spirit of thankfulness to God for His abundant